
Phenyl is used for cleaning, deodorizing and disinfecting. Phenyl is a mixture of creosote oil with water and soap. It is mostly used in homes, hospitals, offices, railway stations, and other such places. It kills germs and bacteria and removes foul smell. We are offering two types of phenyl ΓΆ€“ white phenyl and black phenyl. The phenyl produced by us is very strong and only a small portion is needed to clean a large area.

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Black Phenyl


We are engaged in offering Black Phenyl to our clients. Black phenyl is a highly concentrated solution which turns white when diluted with water. A small quantity is needed to be mixed with water for cleaning purpose. It cleans, disinfects and de-odours the area quite effectively. It is used in cleaning bathrooms,


White Phenyl

We manufacture high quality White Phenyl for your cleaning purposes. White phenyl is milder than the black one but both have similar effect. It thoroughly kills germs and bacteria and disinfects the place. It clears the foul smell leaving a pleasant smell in the area it is used. This product is formulated by our experienced
